Monday, September 13, 2010


Sorry, some of my stories are 'on hold'--suffering writers block, of course--but don't worry, whatever happens I going to finish it. Just need time.

On the other hand...

I am making, or should I say trying, to work out some plot for my 'another' five stories, and kids--like the rest of my fiction--this is not for minors (sorry). It's an adult theme and gloomy, mystery and etc...or whatever you may describe it.

Up coming:
Sakura (stories around WWII)
Trinity (Its about homosexuality, hineous crime and betrayal)
The Coming (ah...this is a cult theme)
Legend of the Wolf (this is about an assassin...mind boggling, I tell yah)
Metro Tale (Ok, this is about the life--night life, or mostly hidden stories around the metro)

So I guess that should be it. Prologue will be posted soon.

Au revoir! (god, I love french)