Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Favorite Movies Of All Time Part I (in no particular order)

"This time it's war"
Genre: Aliens (duh), Sci-Fi, Action, Badass guns, One alien queen with PMS!
Year: 1986

“Ellen Ripley – a new name for women who kickass!”
I was only eleven years old when I saw this movie, and that was on BetaMax and sooooo long ago, like Jurassic age. I don’t understand the plot yet because duh I was so young, that all of my scary-shit moment was donned on Bishop who, by that time, was hacked in two by Mama Alien Queen. And since then the movie itself never escaped me.
The Godfather
"An offer you can't refuse"
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mafia, PASTA!
Year: 1972

"This one family you shouldn't pissed off."
The Godfather probably one of the greatest film ever made, and I agree. Well, who wouldn’t? I still watch it on my Sunday-habit list and I remember each line. And add to that, I’ve read the novel itself to complete my utter loyalty. It has inspiring tag-lines of which you’ll realize by the end, it has common sense.

The Godfather II
"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mafia, Family ties
Year: 1974

"Respect - that's all there is."
In this sequel you will see how Vito Corleone started it all, from a simple orphan from Sicily to the Godfather, till the day he died. His son, Michael, inherited all, expanding his regime until all hell breaks loose.
Okay so yeah, I’m too fanatic about this movie, what yah gonna do  sue me?? XP

Schindler's List
"Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire"
Genre: Biography, Drama, Holocaust, and a fucked up dude who looooves to play with his gun X(
Year: 1993

"No joke. Ralph Fiennes was so badass in this movie I want whack his head off!"

Empire of the Sun
"To survive in a world at war, he must find a strength greater than all the events that surround him."
Genre: Biography, Drama
Year: 1987

"People will do anything for a potato... damn it was like a joke, but it's true."

"Winner loses all."
Genre: Gambling, Murder, Freaking awesome!!
Year: 1995

"Imagine the movie houses censored automatically... you'll hear more bleeps than words -- oh hell, this was good!"