Thursday, March 8, 2012

Writer's Block??

Okay so... yeah. Writer's block is what, about things you can't reciprocate through writing, or, better yet, can't unleash what's on your mind? -- in short, you're procrastinating and you have no idea how to pronounce the damn word!

I don’t tend to be a writer, but I started writing bunch of stuff, nonsense stuff, since I was nineteen, and five years later I started to write about what I thought would be "my start of something big". I was into a novel, my first, a fantasy one, and finished the draft seven years ago. Of course as a newbie you have to "know what you write" and make sure you're not developing idiocy out on you. That time I don't know anything about writer's block, I thought it was normal like "I'm tired – I'm gonna do this tomorrow" thing and then leave it that way. But not until it hit me one day, and my mind, emotion, passion, went all down to a drain. And when I started editing the draft I made… shit, it was a disaster. What the hell happened to me, I dunno. I have my own world once, but when I saw the outside world, my nightmare started. Aside for my fantasy work, I have done some other stories too (thirty plus originals and ten short stories) and none, take note, none of them are published. I even have a FanFiction, and that too flew away. I have a short attention span, and I'm easily annoyed by noise. I can't work in an environment with people and pets roaming around. I snapped when someone asked me a question while I'm in a verge of concentration (ask my spouse, he knows what kind of bitch I am when it comes to that). And the worst part, someone says my English is not that damn good. Yeah. Good. Thank you for the help. For having English as a second language in our country (of which we have more than a hundred tongues under our belt), I might take that as an exception. But when you start revealing the notes under the pen, you have to have a guts to show them. And that part, I have a problem.
You don't know what I'm talking about, do you?
Anyway, just ignore it. I'm just expressing things, that's all.