Few months ago, it was March 30, I filed a blotter case against a former friend of mine. Estafa. Humiliating may call but it was only a small amount. We confronted each other at April 6 at the Barangay Hall. I was too had a case, but it was a counter act to defend himself from my allegation. He said that he will going to payback all the money that he consumed. I gave him 3 months, so he signed the papers. The date will be July 31. I waited at the Barangay to call me up at the phone because I can't be there, I have to go to work (not unlike other people na nakatambay lang at purwisyo pa). No one shows up, even man lang kahit kamag anak niya. I bet that he wasn't seriously enough to confront me but the barangay said that they will give him up until friday for him to show up, if not then we're going to proceed to "demanda". I research on the net about estafa case, Department of Justice was 1st in line, and I saw a list of cases just like mine. A Bailbond Guide.
ESTAFA. (Art. 315, No. 1 (a), (b), and (c); No. 2(a), (b), (c) and (e); and No. 3(a), (b) and (c)
FELONY/OFFENSE: If the amount is over P200.00 but does not exceed P6,000.00
PENALTY:Arresto mayor maximum to prision correccional minimum
BAIL: P6,000.00