Thursday, April 14, 2011


Few more days to go and boom—vacation! Not for me, though *sigh* One client of mine is kinda giddy. No. Too soft. Make that stupid--grrrr...Had I told him I have a reservation, of which I’ve been dying to go somewhere but my cubicle? YES! I've beat my ass to finish the design he requested a week ago--only for him to left it at the HK airport! Now I have to do it all over again! 

Vacations sucks. They suck. Work sucks. And the worst part, my writing started to go suck too!

Anyway before I commit homicide and kill everyone in sight, I decided to stop using the net for a while to finish my job. And that includes my emails, blog, twitter, FB and LJ's. In-between working hours—while being a mommy—I’ll peruse the notes and reviews few of my new friends had given me yesterday so that I can work on my fanfic. Woopeedoo!

Be back in a week or two.

There are things people will never learn---DROP the ego shit...