Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Many years ago (lost count) there’s this small private school in Valenzuela. No one could ever believe that that is a school because of the appearance. How can you ease your doubt if you see geese roaming around, huge rabbits at the back, fishpond near the gate (no fish folks but tadpoles), less than fifteen classrooms, a stage that looks more like a porch, and one janitor? Yup, like everybody says, ‘Private yan?’
It was June 1991, the year we began our new life as highschool, ranges twelve to thirteen years old. The year we met new students, the year we hear weird section names (thought to be a scientific creatures but it’s not), the year public graduates met the privates, the year we saw ‘ang liit nung boy oh’, and the year we all hear our nanay says, ‘Highschool na anak ko.’ How can you forget those first times (not that first time, the other first time)? We feel kinda scared that we might end into that weirdo groupie, the slackers, the genius, the bozos, the notorious, and we might ended up as an outcast too if we’re isolated because neither one of us had no clue.
The Students
We all know each other, I mean, all of us for four years, others more than that. I came from a public school along with my friend. The large percentage between public and privates are neck to neck. I thought I was going to have a hard time at first coping with new faces and new, what you can call, sense of prejudice. But I realized, we are all just kids, all the same, and they, too, tackling the new beginning.
As much like any other kids, we have it all; the Weirdos, nerds, athletes, those with compulsive behaviors, Elites, beauty queens and beauty queen-alike and feeling beauty queen, the hunks, the humbly, the mayabang, the trouble makers, the notorious, the anonymous, the loner, the joker, the siopao moocher, the slurpy wolfers, the Mang Ramon Fanatics, and so on. Our small society of students builds up every year, and every year gained even more; ups and downs, left and right, back and forth. Possibly, endless.
The Teachers
One of our great teachers and, until now, after for so many years she’s still hammering the heads of youngsters just to edify how the world of languages, the history, and the morality of being a great individual really are. She’s handling English, History, and Values Education for numerous number of students for the last two decades (I think), known for her noting question such as ‘Okay?—Alright’, her colleagues calls her Candy (don’t ask), her students calls her… ah…nevermind (baka malintikan tayo). She’ll look at you straight in the eye after catching your drolly eyes. Better straighten that posture or she’ll eat you alive with that double vista of her. How about this teacher with that hard-to-hear tone that you have to smack your seatmate’s head to shut him up just to hear her out, and that steno-like writing on the blackboard that confuses the ‘g’ into a ‘9’? And the legendary Science teacher that gives you chill everytime she asked you a questions like what’s the definition of this-the formula of that, where’s your experiment and explain your conclusion clearly or she’ll make you stand for the rest of the class, dictating all of the notes instead using the board because she’s allergic to chalk, demands to remove the spring of your notebook and replace it with colored yarn or whatever you may call it, cover it with art paper such as blue, red, yellow, and, sometimes, kung mamalasin ka nga naman, the gayest color of all, PINK! However, within her burns the glint of a dedicated teacher. And though she displays her bubbly persona to her colleagues, she utterly hates those who can’t catch up with her—students who can’t buy her rules. And that time one of us was entitled to have that small percentage of idiocy and defying policy. So, therefore, to make things short, she hates us all hahaha.
July 16: The Earthquake
Who would ever forget the incident that changed the rest of our country and the rest of our lives? Friday, July 16, 1991—no, we’re not talking about Jose’s birthday—it was the 7.7 Earthquake.
It was field day, or fri-day, or whatever day—basta natatandaan ko may gathering n’on (give me a break guys, it’s more than a decade, ok?). Some of the students already gone from school, others remain when that earthquake trampled Metro Manila and nearby cities. It was a disaster—because we learn how to use the rosary and have its own misteryo hehehe (natawa pa enoh?). They said they hold hands and circled the flag pole, duck at the mud, and the others, well, you know, scream. There’s no cellphone that time to call or text what happened (yeah, yeah, we know, Jurassic na kami), we ended up watching news or focused our ears in the radio. That time, few of us been traumatized, lalong lalo na yung may birthday. Damn that was bad.
Where’s the Heart?
Our school is a sacred Catholic; they teach us how to be a good Christian. One of the students bought this ‘Sacred Heart’ image of the Christ and posts it on the wall of their classroom. Obviously, when you say ‘Sacred Heart’ it emphasized the heart of Christ, which is shown the flaming heart with thorns. However one day, one incident happened, this so-called Heart mysteriously disappeared… I mean, really disappeared—poof gone! And all was left was… well, none. It’s like an error printing of some kind. Some witnesses said it was there few days ago, then viola! And what can you expect from a thirteen year-old boys and girls who witness the disappearing of that so-called miracle? Yup, they whine a lot until the faculty decided to suspend the classes.
The “3×4”
Students who enrolled on our school must now the rules and regulations; the proper hygiene and the proper uniform. We, girls, must wear proper uniform, button sleeves, ribbons and ID’s while boys; black pants, white polo with school logo or patch, all the same. Not unless one week from the monthly exam date is announced. They must do the “3×4” (ask the barbero, he’ll know what to do) or pay the consequence. Have no idea? Try to find MC Hammer’s MTV’s ‘Can’t touch this’. Yup, that’s what I’m talking about.
(to be continued)
Friday, August 14, 2009
Transformers: I was, and still like, a child
I watched the Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen on DVD last Sunday (sadly, I didn’t make it in full screen, and who the hell is The Fallen anyway?), and I was like, Hell Yeah!
This Witwickey boy named Sam, and his gf Mikaela was trapped between wars of the robots (Autobots and Decepticons). I remember the name of Witwickey, and that is Spike, the little boy who clings with Bumblebee, and Mikaela, yes she’s hot, but where’s her part in the originals? I know, I know… like Titanic—can you imagine how boring it could be if Jack and Rose wasn’t there, who will watch a sunken ship for two hours?
Though the storyline is not that…hmmm… feisty, the ‘sci-fi’ is damn good. Raised the roof!!
I am a great fan of the Transformers G1 from its first episode till the producers killed Optimus Prime on the fourth movie (at least I think it was). I’m so angry that time, and I think that day was the first time I said the word P***** Ina! Damn it! For all these years, Prime and Megatron fought drastically since the beginning and that so-called movie of which made Ultra Magnus fucked his chance to be a leader and the protagonist died in one single blow because of that stupid Hot Rod a.k.a. Rodimus Prime. And in his deathbed he said something like ‘Do not grieve. Soon I will be with the Matrix’. Oh my god, he’s going to die. But wait the rule is if he does not turn gray, he’s okay. However moments later, he passed away, dramatically, and turned GRAY with whining robots on the side. Waaahh!! Now this is really make young ladies cry—nerds alike cry even more. The producers thought the results will be exceptional to have Prime be dead. They didn’t know how popular the leader of the Autobots really is. Some kids walkout in the movie theater after first twenty minutes of the movie when Prime passed over his leadership. Well, if I was there, I’ll bust a cap on that screen. Since then, I stopped watching the Transformers even after they resurrect Prime in some episodes.
They killed him again in the sequel live action movie. There’s this scene that Optimus was ganged up, and I’m expecting the worse. When he was flipped to the air, dropped at the ground, I said, ‘Don’t you dare tell me he’s dead?’ and that Sam boy shouted ‘Optimus!’ then I realized he is officially dead (What’s with the shout? No one calls him Optimus, it should be Prime. They are like Chinese, given name should come second). I want to leave my seat and off that player. ‘This is ridiculous,’ I said to myself (bear with me guys, I’m not the only one finding that part frustrating). My friend told me he’ll be revive and join with Jetfire, and I said, ‘Oh great genius, now you spoil the movie. What’s with the joining? Jetfire is an old machine Blackbird—how did that happen?—a scrap with a cane that supposed to be a Valkyrie Jet fighter. If they dare debunked Prime again, I swear to god I’m gonna kill the maker of the story line, and I’m not going to be imaginative. I’m just gonna shoot them on the back of the head in broad day light and embrace the punishment!’ and she said, ‘Is he really that stupid? Prime is not a humanist, he’s just stupid.’ I was shocked hearing that, then I said, ‘No. He’s just pretentious.’
I remember when I was in gradeschool I have a classmate who has a big crush on Optimus Prime. I am a crazed fanatic, but she’s crazier than I am. She has this huge poster na nakadikit sa ceiling, a numerous assembled Prime robots in the cabinet, and a collection of videos of Transformers (BetaMax). And I, all I have was stickers. How can you fantasize a robot? All he had was a covered mouth-face and a horn-like antenna. But she said, ‘Mabait kasi s’ya.’ Nyeeee!
Every December 25, 1986 to 1989, networks used to aired cartoon movies like; Voltron the Movie, Transformers the Movie, GI Joe the Movie for viewers to watch. Now, you have to download in the internet or go to Quiapo to find a DVD. Franchising too was also ‘hit’ today, the made a re-make of those cartoons to real live action. Few weeks ago, GI Joe was on the big screen, few months ago, Astroboy, before that, Dragon Ball, and before before that, I think the first animated ever made to a movie, about twenty years ago, the rival of Ghostbuster on ABS CBN is the pizza lover Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on IBC—not that I hate mutants but I kinda like Slimer’s gang. I’m like ‘wow’ kulang na lang is Challenge of the Gobots (remember that kids, the battle of the six robots, three on the con side and three on pro side? No? Okay, I’ll give you a hint; robots with expressive aura and fingernails). How about Superfriends (that’s JLA to you)? How that Wonder Twins transforms in the middle of the battle to screw things up along with their monkey sidekick, while Robin the boy wonder pisses me off when saying his ‘surprise’ gestures, and how Aquaman unite with the dolphins using telepathic ek ek. The Care Bears (hahaha), Rainbow Bright, and that crazy clan of dwarves with one female Smurfs. I missed those days. But the real thing for me was Prime and his subordinates. I can communicate and mingle with everybody regards to them. Nothing compares to that. More than fifteen years since I saw them again and I still like the old ones, though the drawings are kinda crappy kahit na may new versions emerged on some network. I am 32 years old, and like me, halos lahat ng ka-age ko is an aficionado. Bringing back that old cartoon show felt like a kid again. Excited and jumpy. ‘Starscream you asshole!’ I always say… but kahit na sa cartoons na yan ako nagsimula magsalita ng bad words, I won’t regret it. Because having that experience is the most treasure thing of all as I could grow old and watch the Transformers and be nine again. Amen…
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
My Purrrrr...
Long since I checked in huh… write a nonsense blog, I might say. But surely, this ones not. I’ll show you my other side… other softer side hehe…
I grew up loving different animals (yeah, I have a friend to proove that). I have a list of long lined of pets since I was a little girl. So much of it, I owned sixteen cats when I was six or seven. Although I suffered asthma attacks, this doesn’t stop me from loving them. I had yellow, stripes or the one they called tabby, pure white, pure black, tigered, multi-colored, and gray. But my first cat was Audobon, he has a black with gold spots, much common at urban areas. I took his name from John James Audobon, who painted, catalogued, and described the birds of North America–or maybe a bird lover as well (Layu noh?). Audobon and I always together, after school and all. He’s sweet and playful though matakaw at the same time. My mother used to punished me when Audobon took our ulam on the table (remind you of someone?) or sleep at the clean sheets. He’s a keen hunter, yun nga lang butiki trip n’ya, but surely make us laugh at the end of the day besides his so-called weird behavior (weird ba yun?). Then as months gone by, Audobon took so many friends with him (a dozen cats) to stay with us. But he made sure dun lang sila sa bakuran kasi teritoryo n’ya na ang loob ng house–smart little fella, wasn’t he?. My heart broke when we moved out, they said that Audobon could no longer be with us. My mom said that I have to choose between the three little kittens or Audobon. I choose the kittens because they were helpless at that time. In Audobon’s eyes, though I’m not Dr. Doolittle’s daughter, I know what’s on his mind, “Why leave me?” I cried and cried because of that. I path his head and bade him goodbye. Now I have these three kittens on my hands–which happens to be Audobon’s offsprings–promised to take good care and never to leave them. I nurtured and literally feed them because they’re too small on their own. They grew up healthy and I might say that Audobon was so proud having his offspring’s well taken care off. The pure, yellow-striped like her mama was Mimi; yellow with white was Gigi–because he loves fish; and the same pattern like his brother was Meow–cause he cries a lot. Sadly, they never took any resemblance from their father that sometimes pisses me off when they told me “Hindi naman ata anak ni Audobon yan e.” Gigi was huge, while his brother was a little whiner. Mimi was dominant, suplada as some say. But all in all they were cute and malambing towards me.
Few months have passed Gigi dissapeared, maybe looking for a mate because I didn’t neutered him (abay malay ko ba d’yan non). Meow, a fine male as well–with whining on the side–followed his brother. Mimi left behind, and yikes! she’s pregnant! Gave birth to another three kittens. To my surprise, she has a little kitty same color as Audobon. Yehey! I say, but this little creature was a female! waaaaahhhh!! As my mother will get mad having another female cat, this feline stand out the rest. Though she’s a girl but her hunting made us awed. She attacked a huge rat at the backyard, which much more size of her. Not only that, she hunts and kills snakes as well. Audobon has a grandaughter that finally resembles everything of him, she attacks reptiles, his grandpapa attacks reptiles-alike HAHAHA.
Years past, this cat died of poisoning. Her mother died as well of old age. Sad right? I stopped taking care of cats since then. Yes, we have cats lingered around but I’m not that totally attached to it. They come and go. Then came Cookie, a mix terrier dog and lived with us for more than ten years. I also have a two dagang costa’s (a white rat), a really huge one and breed them till they peaked at eleven, lumaki ang dami nila. I tempt to sale them, but I’m not a good breeder because I cried everytime they bought one of them. Until I bought them back (abay gago). All of them died because our kapitbahay sprayed an insecticide, harmed them, until the two adult parents remain. The male died after a while because of illness and his partner was bitten by a stray cat. Another one of those failure, huh?
I was in college when I took another two male cats from our school. One has gray and white, the other was yellow-striped. The gray-white’s name was Cody and the other was Silly (because I think he’s crazy haha). These two were the most malambing of all my cats, for they even salubong me inside the tricycle. Because I’ve been busy with my studies, I lost the yellow one. Maybe kinuha s’ya ng iba coz humahabol nga sa tricycle. Cody, I thought of him was gay–haha meron baklang pusa–he’s a huge, densed fur, with sharp eyes, but despite of his masculinity, he’s like a female kung umasta. He whines like one of those naglalanding pusa. He’s so malambing and smart. He reached the age of two when he passed away because of infection on his genitals (eh bakla nga e). I didn’t reached in time when he died, that I promised him to be back as early as possible at dalhin s’ya sa vet. I promised myself after that that I will never sympathized any cat. But even I forced myself to do that, still my weakness empowered me; I save lots of feline from the streets, nakikipag away ako sa mga nananakit ng any pets, and burried them myself if I can kapag namatay sila. I said to myself, “Kung may pera lang ako, papagawa ako ng malaking bakuran at aampunin ko yung mga ligaw na pusa at aso.” But it’s just a dream and I know that few (like myself) sympathized weak and helpless animals.
I adopt a two-year old dog and named her Cha-Cha na nuknukan ng taba ngayon from the two elder couple’s from Tondo who can’t feed him no more, she got two offprings; Dagul and Negra, I had also a Labrador named Ginger, who acted like a puppy despite from her big body, a cat named Sassy and her two sons Sunget and Topak, two Abyssinian and two local guinea pigs; Pepper, Sugar, Salty, and Spice, we have two flower horns and a red salamander (Hindi mahilig sa hayop enoh). I don’t have Jye2x yet (my daughter), and because of that parang ginawa ko silang anak. When my daughter was born, I already had Ginger, Cha-Cha, Sassy and her sons. The four guinea pigs died, which I cried, again (lagi naman e), Topak was given away, gave him to my kumpare, Topak and Sassy dissapeared after we move to another house (guess they don’t like it there). Sassy was dear to me, malambing din s’ya’t smart. She likes spicy food and corn, and watched TV with us (hanef enoh). She’s the best friend of Ginger. Ginger by the way died after six years being with us. I was so sad and cried almost a week, that even my husband cheered me up bade to bought another dog like her. Surely I was flattered, but Ginger is Ginger and nothing can replace her that easily. I said no, begging to let me subside for a while to have another dog. Cha-Cha was the only one I have left, but sadly, she was taken away too by my in-laws to be the guard of their house.
I was back to zero, no pets again. But last year, after so months of mourning, the lost of my pets and long to have one again, some stray kitten was left behind to our doorstep. He’s so small, frightened and hungry. My husband took him in for awhile, planning only to stay with us in just one night. He’s a yellow cat with white fur and loves to play with us around, till I decide to adopt him again and call him Sally (yep, Monster’s Inc). After few months, I was walking by the road, I heard a kitten cry. I look for it and found a yellow kitten. I took him home for Sally to have a playmate. I named him Luthor because of his aggressiveness and cunning. Now my family is complete once more, we include them to our vacation trips and other stuff, sometimes they called us silly having them for a special treatment. So what, I said. “Bakit, pusa n’yo ba ganyan katalino? They po-pooh on bathrooms noh!” They are potty trained, not unlike the other stray cats na saan-saan lang magbawas.
Sally is timid, lame, in short masungit. But his weakness is the yarn or any kind of thread; moving or not, he will go gaga on that. Or anything new to him, like styro’s, plastics, carton boxes and the likes, BASTA BAGO SA PANINGIN N’YA GAME S’YA. Unlike Luthor, Sally is a camera shy, always on the hide if there’s a camera around. All of his pictures were stolen shots. He’s scared of firecrackers too, and indistinct noise that one time I almost drop laughing when my husband got drunk and puke at the toilet, he was so scared made a run-around the house because of that puke sound. He loves to istambay above the TV, his basket, or my pillow. Always at the door, looking outside or waiting for whose not around the house. He’s a meat lover, no fish for him (well maybe sometimes if he wants to taste it), lover of soups or better yet noodles, he’s not a sweet tooth because both him and Luthor likes a little kick of spices. He doesn’t like the idea of having a colar around his neck, he’s irritated. He doesn’t talk much but he’s a whiner when it comes to eating time (yeah like any cats does not). But one thing that made me quiver sometimes, his stare. Like he wants to say something outloud but because of that little tone of his, my attention was focused on his eyes. He like to look at you way down like “Ano ka ba, engot? Hindi nga ako kumakain n’yan.”
The little, energetic, always-the-go feline, the what-the-hell-is-that kinda attitude was my kitty Luthor; Kabaligtaran s’ya ni Sally. He’s vocal, papansin, loves to sleep beside me or anyone sleeping at the bed, sofa and so fort. You will always see him at the door watching every movement outside. Unlike Sally, Luthor likes children kahit gulpihin mo pa yan hindi ka aawayin n’yan, no prob when it comes sa karagahan. He too loves to sit on my lap and watched TV with me, eating what’s on my hand. He’s a pakialamero when it comes to toys of his big so-called brother, or terrorizing S
ally as much as he can. Kung baga sa bunso, pang asar talaga. Dahil hindi ka tatantanan n’yan hangat hindi mo s’ya pinapansin. And where can you see a cat who loves camera, posing like a model? Yup, Luthor! He like to pose, alam n’ya na sy’a ang kinukunahan ng pic. One time I had this product shoot to finish, it was dawn already and I think that was 3:00am. Luthor sat beside the camera while Sally played with the packaging. I took a quick turn after arranging the products that I’ll shoot, when I turn back I saw Luthor kick them all and sat in front of the camera. “ANAK NG!!” I want to get mad but how can I, ang cute n’ya! hahaha (sample pics below). Then after that he always makes sure he has this share of pics everytime I’m in the middle of my work.
I love both of them so much, they made me ease my day kapag bad trip ako. My husband sometimes complaining that I treated or always favored the two cats rather than him. My daughter love them both and always brought them food after school; fishballs! My husband bought them both of their colars, yun nga lang baliw itong si Sally ayaw suotin at yung kay Luthor naman akala n’ya toy kaya he chewed on it. My husband doesn’t show how much he loves the two, but when I’m not around, he’s talking to them like “mamya aalis ako, ano gusto n’yo pasalubong?” or playing hide and sick with them along with my daughter.