Monday, October 1, 2007
"Bi" Now... Gay Later...
Ok, let's be honest... Are you GAY?!
Who among us are afraid of letting some secrets that someone will recent it? Well Hell Yeah!! All of Us. I have a friend which impossible for him to reveal himself to be gay, how do I know? I watch every movement of his for the past 10 years and I have that proof. I told him "Dude! I will accept the things which is not even familiar to me" pertaining to my friend, exaggerating myself with an open mind, but still he gives me a smirk. For almost a decade I never ask him if his... you know "the other" because I might end up in a dumpster. I mean what part of Gay you don't know about?
There are huge numbers of people, celebrities, friends, co-workers and even on movies that expose themselves as gay people. The controversial revelations of Rustom Padilla(Actor), the littlest singer/song writer Aiza Seguerra, hollywood comedian Ellen deGeneres and her fiance Portia de Rossi. Guys these are the big names (well some of it) of gayest people, so ask yourself "do you have to hide it?" Some say Yes some say "No" and some say "I can't tell, I don't know" You better think of something else's excuse when it becomes to that.
Some gays or lesbian have these issue that somehow they are too afraid to show it all. I don't mind if you ask me because they have lives too, and certainly that life was their own and no one, not even us can be judge to that.
In military, gays are not accepted, why? because others might say "Fagot can't save us"...huh?! Hell, if they want to save the country, let them be 'coz other men are not joining even they're straight. Who's the fagot now? Damn! Gender confuse is the big issue for them. You better put in mind that "what you hate will end up in your family". I have a friend you hated the other kind but end up with a gay brother. Now that's what I'm talking about.
They are not a plague, well atleast some of it. Some gay people humiliate their own kind and that pisses me off "How can others understand if some of you guys disgraced yourselves?" I watch some documentary about them, and it freaks me out. They, dressed up as a lady, lurking late at night to look for some guys to know, A hand Job? What the fu@k is that? Are you crazy enough to humiliate your family and your own species? Why don't you be like Inno Sotto or Ricky Reyes? Or even the Fav Five? I know being gay is the expression of free will but think of what you may become if you ended up as one of those "bastusan type". Try to make more civil okay, I'm here to understand all of you(kala mo may power e noh)but me more careful.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Hallow's Eve!!
Freaked out...HOOOLLAAA!!It's BER, before Christmas Halloween muna(anu kaya featured sa Magandang Gabi Bayan?) Where did the word Halloween came from? It started sa word "All-hallow-even"( or some history may call them "Pooky Nights" or something at para sa tin Filipino e "wag kang manakot..anak ng teteng!" Then all shows sa TV ay related na sa mga spooky thing, tulad na lang ng pinapanood ko ngayon Brat Pitt's Interview with Vampire na kung ganun lang ang look ng all vampire powtah ako ang hahabol sa kanila. The few early episodes of MGB (Magandang Gabi Bayan) tuwing sasapit ang month ng October were facinating talaga like the episode which they featured the Tugatog-Kalookan Cemetary(if you remember?)the statue which depicted St. Michael & the devil. If you can imagine na baligtad ang pagkakagawa coz si San Miguel ang nasa ilalim at si Satan ang nasa above(ewww!). How about the chilling Balete Drive? The road to Baguio? and the Corrigedor(tama ba spelling?)pustahan tayo maglalabasan nanaman yan. The movie that gave me goosebumps was Bruce Willis and H.J. Osment's The 6th Sense, anak ng weteng na yan, kung makikita mo lang ako nung time na pinapanood ko yan sus tatawa ka. Nanakit katawan ko dyan. Ahhh eto papala The Blair Witch Project issue yan before year 2000, Oh yeah the hell na napaniwala nila ang marami and ako rin na muret e ganun din. I saw it in the big screen, my sis told me na,"Ano tol, maganda?"...ang sagot ko..."Nasuka ako"...."Bakit nakakadiri ba?"......"HINDEEE!!!Nahilo ako sa camera!"
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Mysteries of the Sexes
Who Handles Break-Ups Better?
By: David Zinczenco

Men Mask Their Pain
When a guy is dumped, his first reaction is: I'll show her. How he sometimes does it: With a couple pitchers and a night out with the guys. In fact, 26 percent of men say that the dumped party should get drunk with the guys after a break-up, according to a Men's Health online survey. But those beer swillers are actually in the minority: 36 percent say a guy should look at his new ex, smile, and thank her. The thing is, both of those reactions are exactly the same thing-masks for their true feelings. They can't deal with being hurt, or angry, or bummed. It's not until after they get past their initial reaction that men actually mourn the loss of the relationship. Women are more likely to cry soon after the breakup, and they're also more likely to use straight talk when ending a relationship, studies find. So women face their relationship blues head on, and get them out of their systems earlier. Many men tend to repress their reaction, so it lingers like basement mold.
Men Have Fewer Friends One of the reasons why women can get over sour relationships faster than the guys they breaks up with is that women have an amazing network of people to latch on to. Research indicates that men depend on romantic relationships for emotional intimacy and social support, whereas women are more likely to turn to family and female friends to satisfy those needs. Mothers, sisters, friends, hairdressers, cabbies, whoever-the more times she tells the story about what a jerk he was, the better she's going to feel. A man, on the other hand, stays corked. Often he shrugs off a break-up with a shoulder shrug, shoots a Jager shot, and tries to convince himself that he's not upset. That is, until about six months later, at 1AM after the fourth pitcher, when he confesses to his buds that all he ever wanted is for Janelle to take him back.
Men Hate Starting Over After the break-up, a man may feel an initial surge of excitement of future prospects-the women he's yet to meet. But after three, four, or two dozen dates, he realizes that it's going to take a long time to reach the level of comfort he had with his ex. Research conducted at Carnegie Mellon University suggests that women adjust better to the end of a relationship because they've already given consideration to the possibility of a break-up, whereas men are typically unprepared for it. While that sense of emotional security can't be the only reason to stay together, it also makes him realize that he was very lucky to have a woman like her. Meanwhile, she's already moved on. And perhaps the only time he lets his guard down enough to admit the emotional truth is when he's drunk dialing her. And that's too little, way too late.
Men Idealize the Dating Game
Many breakups are a knee-jerk reaction to what men perceive as stagnation: He's bored with the same restaurants, the same petty arguments, the repetitive sex. Once he's back on the prowl, he thinks, he'll be bedding 10s and living the high life. After the break-up, however, he quickly realizes that the singles scene isn't all champagne and half-naked strangers--it's work. Instead of the exciting bar scene, he finds that he misses the intimacy of his past relationship. Studies show that women consistently outscore men on measures of social, sexual, and intellectual intimacy--and women are often quicker than men to realize that intimacy provides the foundation of a lasting relationship, not the sexual thrills.
During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times.
I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every
ten days.
The following is a list of
why I did not succeed more often:
54 times the sheets were clean
17 times it was too late
49 times you were too tired
20 times it was too hot
15 times you pretended to be sleep
22 times you had a headache
17 times you were afraid of waking the baby
16 times you said you were too sore
12 times it was the wrong time of the month
19 times you had to get up early
9 times you said weren't in the mood
7 times you were sunburned
6 times you were watching the late show
5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo
3 times you said the neighbors would hear us
9 times you said your mother would hear us
of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory
6 times you just lay there
8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling
4 times you told me to hurry up and get it over with
7 times I had to wake you and tell you I finished
1 time I was afraid I had hurt you because I felt you move
I think you have things a little confused.
Here are the reasons you didn't get more than you did:
5 times you came home drunk and tried to screw the cat
36 times you did not come home at all
21 times you didn't cum
33 times you came too soon
19 times you went soft before you got in
38 times you worked too late
10 times you got cramps in your toes
29 times you had to get up early to play golf
2 times you were in a fight and someone kicked you in the balls
4 times you got it stuck in your zipper
3 times you had a cold and your nose was running
2 times you had a splinter in your finger
20 times you lost the notion after thinking about it all day
6 times you came in your pajamas while reading a dirty book
98 times you were too busy watching TV
Of the times we did get together:
The reason I laid still was because you missed and were
screwing the sheets. I wasn't talking about the crack in the
ceiling, what I said was, "Would you prefer me on my
back or kneeling?" The time you felt me move was
because you farted and I was trying to breathe.
Friday, August 17, 2007
“I was the other woman”
I grew up watching those sleazy, made-for-TV movies whose storylines usually involved a home-wrecking hussy (usually bottle-blond) who unleashed havoc on a happy marriage with her cheap charms and gold-digging ways. As a Catholic-school-bred teenager, I couldn’t imagine what would drive someone to steal another woman’s man. So imagine my surprise when a scant decade later, I became one of those hot-to-trot hussies, involved in a scandalous love drama with no happy end in sight.
The Other Woman holds a unique, nearly invisible place in society and when it comes to affairs, the blame, shame and scarlet letter are squarely placed on her shoulders. I don’t have much defense for my actions other than the naïveté — some would say, stupidity — of being a young woman who believed herself madly in love with the man of her dreams, who just happened to be married.
In those TV movies, the wanton woman usually gets what’s coming to her, whether it’s a jail sentence or an overwrought gunfight in which she’s the loser. In real life, I can tell you that the end is possibly even more painful than most breakups. Unlike a rift with an actual boyfriend, you won’t get much sympathy for your shattered heart because if anyone knew of the relationship, he or she most likely disapproved, and there’s not even the solace of knowing that your ex is as miserable and alone as you are. Because you know he’s gone back to his home and his wife. Here are some other hard lessons you’ll learn if you date a man who’s spoken for.Lesson #1: It’s about sex, not love
As romantic as a head-over-heels love affair can first seem, it ultimately devolves into tawdry and quick assignations during his lunch hour or as his post-work workout. He already has a relationship and simply doesn’t have the time to cultivate another one. “When you’re so rushed for time because he has to get home for dinner, there’s not much you can do together but have sex,” explains Sue C., 31, from New JerseyLesson #2: Don’t call him, he’ll call you
“What I hated most about having an affair was that I couldn’t reach my lover when I wanted to,” gripes Katya G., 29, from New York CityLesson #3: Saturday night? Try Wednesday afternoon
Get used to staying in. It’s not a cliché that you’re “sneaking around” when you’re having an affair. There’s no such thing as a romantic dinner out or strolling hand-in-hand in the park together. You may be in love, but you certainly won’t be shouting it from the rooftops or even from any neighborhood bar. “We could never go out, especially on the weekends,” says Sue. “Obviously, Saturday night was date night for him and his wife, so there was no way that was happening. Mainly, he’d come over to my place sometime during the week and we’d maybe get a few hours to hang out together. Those were our dates.” For me, too, the only time we’d get to go out in public would be when his wife was out of town—and it was usually at a dive bar or hole-in-the-wall restaurant where there was no chance of us running into anyone we knew. The food was never that great, either.Lesson #4: You’ll get plenty of alone time
Affairs are bad and everyone knows it, so when you start one, you become pretty selective when it comes to telling anyone about “your new boyfriend.” I remember telling a few close friends, and as hard as they tried to be supportive, I knew that they didn’t understand, were disappointed, or completely disapproved. So I went into secret mode and didn’t tell anyone where I’d be or what I was doing, in case I was with “him” or in case he was calling me to let me know he could come see me for a bit. It was very isolating to not be able to share something so huge, and emotionally painful, that was going on in my life with my friends. At the same time, I was so obsessed with when I’d be able to see him again that I freed up my schedule entirely, forgoing time with friends, so I could be available when he was. And that’s just sad.Lesson #5: Get ready for gut-wrenching guilt
If you have any sort of conscience, the guilt of what you’re doing will gnaw away at you. As much as I tried to justify my affair as the price of true love, the presence of his wife soon became very concrete and unbearable. He’d have to call her sometimes from my place to explain away his lateness, and I’d go into the other room and feel seedy. I also spent an inordinate amount of time on Google, looking for pictures, history, anything about this woman who was my rival as well as the blameless victim in this whole mess. I think that’s what eventually led me to breaking off the affair. I couldn’t deal with the guilt of it and the harm I was causing another woman, whether she knew about it or not. I also knew he’d never leave her. And in hindsight, I don’t think I wanted him to—and that’s really the only positive thing I can say about the whole mess.
Maggie Kim is a reformed Other Woman. She’s also a rock musician ( who got a lot of song material from her sordid past.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
My father once told me "Learn how to play a guitar" and he's willing to teach me that but in that time that I was a Kindergarten and drawing comic strips was one of my forte, I was only 6 years old. I never saw myself playing the said instrument but later on I was devastated and my last resort was to self-study "yan lintek na yan!" and maybe kung pinagpatuloy ko lang, malamang Cynthia Alexander na ako hahaha. I ended up in singing, well maybe that's the easiest way to contribute a music "Yeah Right!", but its not enough for me and maybe if I was more focused on my father's teaching... Hehe Bahista na ako.
Speaking of Bassist, one particular name "Hand-Made-by-God Bass Guru" came to my mind and that's Louie Talan (silence...kilig moment). One of the best...wheeww!! (Teka dear, pangarap lang naman e). No John Myung-Victor Wooten-Pastorious for me, when it comes to bassist...Filipino toh MEHN!!!... I remember last time when a dreamtheatre member Myung held a Bass Clinic at Yupangco few years ago, I was there, but not for the native Korean-American Born Bassist...Yup!! You guest it...for Louie, but sadly, he wasn't there (asar), nanakit ang leeg ko kakatingin kaliwa't kanan para mahanap lang siya. Hmmmp!! uwi akong luhaan. Our bassist (Aj) insist na magiging Louie Talan din daw siya someday, hahahaha (halah makitawa ka nalang)...Si Louie Talan e Long Hair and wavy... e ikaw... Long Hair...Kingki!!(JOKE), but seriously I LOVE the way he delivers himself...kahit saan...sabihin na natin na "coño" e anu magagawa ko e ganun sya, talented human being plus GWAPOH! (teka teka...Jay si Louie sinasabi ko)...I read an article, he said "I love the band. And I love Louie Talan. Yes, it all boiled down to that. I worship Louie Talan. I don't believe in Jesus Christ, but by gosh, he looks like Jesus Christ."...o tamo hindi lang pala ako nababaliw dyan.